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Helping Paws

Our Helping Paws page is Wintson and Toothless's favorite page on our site.  It's where they get to tell you about all the good they get to do for other animals because of YOU!


Updated March 18, 2023 

Animal Shelters and Helping Agencies

To date, we have donated the following: 

$4,200 in The Cat's MeWow products

800 pounds of cat litter

500 meals

2 air conditioners

95 hours

$1,450 in donations


Recipients of donations include: 

Biggys Farm & Feed Animal Homing Program (Maryland)

Oahu SPCA (Hawaii)

Kaua'i Humaine Society (Hawaii)

Al-Van Humane Society (Michigan)


*There are no partnerships between The Cat's MeWow and any listed organizations.  This is not intended to imply any endorsements of or between these organizations.


Winston and Toothless napping used to ID a broken feature on our website

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Vet Bills and Finding Homes

We proudly support and fund the treatment of injuries, trap neuter release programs, and homing of animals in need.


A few examples of stray animals we've helped are:

Kane - a young, stray male cat who was constantly getting injured by an unknown source in his neighborhood.  He is now living his best life with Karen, Brain, and his puppy sister Beatx. 


Rebel - a very small stray female with a birth defect to one of her front legs. Upon veterinary exam, she was found to have been microchipped but abandoned by her first human (we got in touch with this person and had them sign over parenting rights to Rebel).  This sweet baby was living on her own outside for over 11 years. She now gets spoiled by Nathan, Jadie, and her kitty brother Panther.


Paperclip - it took us a couple of weeks to catch this stray as he was wary of people. We took Paperclip to get him neutered and treated for severe injuries to his leg.  He received over a dozen stitches and had a long recovery.  He is now sunbathing and napping comfortably with his mom Mayah.

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